Campaign Connections

Grassroots & Grasstops

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Grassroot & Grasstops

At Campaign Connections, we understand the keys to effective grassroots, grasstops, and issue advocacy. We are experts at generating real grassroots and grasstops activity. We maintain the right balance of optimism and realism and know how to communicate a compelling message to both policy makers and everyday voters. We understand the rules of the “legislative game” and have a proven record of delivering results.

Our goal at Campaign Connections is to encourage decision makers (elected, appointed, and career bureaucrats) to weigh policy decisions with our clients’ positions firmly in mind. We use a wide array of techniques-including interactive website development, new media, key influential outreach, direct mail, earned media, and radio and newspaper-to build public support for our clients’ positions. We achieve results by focusing on the groups that matter most: decision makers, opinion leaders, and active voters.

For more information about our grassroots and grasstops services see our Great Grassroots website: